With ever more buyers starting their search on the web it is important for the seller to obtain a floor plan clearly marking out the layout and dimensions of their property in a pictorial format that can be uploaded to various property portals on the web. We are experienced in providing full colour floor plans which also show room dimensions and the internal floor area.
We are also able to assist developers and their solicitors with the production of Land Registry compliant lease plans that meet the requirements of the Land Registry Practice Guide 40, including a full colour site plan and location plan as well as an internal floor plan.
Energy Assessments
When is an Energy Performance Certificate Needed?
Every home put on the market for sale or rental, no matter what size, must have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) which which has been produced by an accredited domestic energy assessor and contains advice on how to cut CO2 emissions and fuel bills.
It is the commitments made by the Government under the Kyoto Protocol and within the European Union that has prompted the need for an EPC every time a property is sold. Since up to a third of all CO2 emissions from the United Kingdom are from domestic homes, clearly the Government needs to encourage a change in attitude by raising awareness by homeowners of the energy efficiency rating of their homes and what they can do to improve their rating.
The EPC is valid for ten years.
What Does an Energy Performance Certificate Look Like?
We are used to seeing energy efficiency rating on fridges and other white goods as well as on new cars. We are becoming used to seeing the same ratings on estate agent and letting agent property details. The certificate is the product of an inspection of your property by an accredited Domestic Energy Assessor.
Click on the pdf document below for an example of the energy performance certificate:
What Information Does an EPC contain?
EPC's contain:
Information on your home's energy use and typical energy costs
A recommendation report with suggestions to reduce energy use and save money
Energy use and potential savings:
EPC's carry ratings that compare the current energy efficiency and estimated costs of energy use with potential figures that your home could achieve. Potential figures are calculated by estimating what the energy efficiency and energy costs could be if energy saving measures were put in place.
The rating measures the energy efficiency of your home using a grade from 'A' to 'G'. An 'A' rating is the most efficient, while 'G' is the least efficient. The average efficiency grade to date is 'D'. All homes are measured using the same calculations, so you can compare the energy efficiency of different properties.
The recommendation report:
EPCs also provide a detailed recommendation report showing how you could reduce the amount of energy you use and your carbon dioxide emissions.
The report lists:
Suggested improvements, like fitting loft insulation
Possible cost savings per year, if the improvements are made
How the recommendations would change the energy efficiency rating of the property
Which improvements may be eligible for funding through the Government energy grants (for more information go to the Government website at: https://www.gov.uk/improve-energy-efficiency)
You don't have to act on the recommendations in the energy performance certificate. However, if you decide to do so, it could make your property more attractive for sale or rent by making it more energy efficient.
More energy saving advice can be obtained from the Energy Saving Trust: http://www.energysavingtrust.org.uk/
Who has Access to an Energy Performance Certificate?
The energy performance certificate must be made available to anyone looking to purchase or to rent your property.
Will a Poor EPC Rating Affect the Value of a Property?
There are many reasons why someone would wish to buy a property, not least its suitability, the price and its location. The energy performance certificate is just one of many factors to take into account. The rationale behind the EPC is to allow the buyer to make a more informed choice and to encourage them to spend money on energy efficient improvements to the property as part of any ongoing maintenance and repairs.
Is there any Information that will help with the Domestic Energy Assessor?
If the homeowner has any paperwork relating to the boiler or the central heating or any guarantees for double glazed windows, for example, it is helpful for the domestic energy assessor to see those.
It is also useful to see any planning consents for the property or for any extensions or alterations as they will help to date any work that has been carried out.
If the owner is aware of any energy saving measures already installed but not obvious on inspection such as underfloor insulation, waste water recovery systems, etc then the domestic energy assessor will need to see written evidence that these have been installed in order to include them in the assessment.
How Long Does an Energy Assessment Take and What Will it Entail?
The time it takes to carry out a domestic energy assessment will depend on the size of the property but normally it can be carried out in less than an hour.
The energy assessment will involve, amongst other things, checking the heating, lighting and hot water, measuring the perimeter of the property and the amount of insulation.
The data is inputted into the Government's central register which produces the final rating and certificate. We aim to have the EPC available to view and download from the register within 24 hours of the assessment having been carried out.
What Happens if I Disagree with a Report?
The Domestic Energy Assessor is not expected to carry out any invasive procedures when viewing the property, they will not be raising any carpets or moving any furniture. Consequently there may be rare occasions when improvements have been made to the property which are not obvious to the eye.
It is imperative that you notify the Domestic Energy Assessor if you are aware of any such works so they can be taken into account. If it only becomes clear that there is an error after the report has been generated then contact us in the first place to discuss any changes that you feel should be made to the report. If you are still dissatisfied then you have a right of appeal to our accreditation body, Quidos.
Contact us now for further help and advice with the preparation of an EPC on your property on: 01202 478 665 or email us on enquiries@yourhomezone.co.uk